import logging
from typing import Optional, Dict, Union, List
import shutil
from io import StringIO
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Point:
A class representing a membrane structure with inclusions and exclusions.
Can be initialized from a point folder or built from scratch.
# Create bilayer
>>> membrane = Point.create_empty()
>>> membrane.add_membrane_points(coordinates, normals)
# Create monolayer
>>> monolayer = Point.create_empty(monolayer=True)
>>> monolayer.add_membrane_points(coordinates, normals)
class Membrane:
"""Represents a membrane layer with associated properties."""
def __init__(self, data: np.ndarray):
"""Initialize membrane layer from raw data."""
def _process_data(self, data: np.ndarray):
"""Convert raw data into accessible properties."""
# Basic properties
self.ids = data[0].astype(int)
self.domain_ids = data[1].astype(int)
self.area = data[2]
# Coordinates and vectors
self.coordinates = data[3:6].T # X, Y, Z
self.normals = data[6:9].T # Nx, Ny, Nz
self.principal_vectors = {
'p1': data[9:12].T, # P1x, P1y, P1z
'p2': data[12:15].T # P2x, P2y, P2z
self.curvature = {
'c1': data[15], # First principal curvature
'c2': data[16] # Second principal curvature
def create_empty(cls):
"""Create an empty membrane layer."""
instance = cls.__new__(cls)
instance.ids = np.array([], dtype=int)
instance.domain_ids = np.array([], dtype=int)
instance.area = np.array([])
instance.coordinates = np.array([]).reshape(0, 3)
instance.normals = np.array([]).reshape(0, 3)
instance.principal_vectors = {
'p1': np.array([]).reshape(0, 3),
'p2': np.array([]).reshape(0, 3)
instance.curvature = {
'c1': np.array([]),
'c2': np.array([])
return instance
def add_points(self, coordinates: np.ndarray, normals: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
domain_ids: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, areas: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
Add points to the membrane layer.
coordinates: Nx3 array of point coordinates
normals: Nx3 array of normal vectors (optional)
domain_ids: Array of domain IDs (optional)
areas: Array of point areas (optional)
n_points = len(coordinates)
# Set IDs
self.ids = np.arange(n_points, dtype=int)
# Set coordinates
self.coordinates = np.asarray(coordinates)
# Set normals or generate default
if normals:
self.normals = np.asarray(normals)
self.normals = np.zeros_like(coordinates)
self.normals[:, 2] = 1.0 # Default normal pointing up
# Set domain IDs or default to 0
if domain_ids:
self.domain_ids = np.asarray(domain_ids)
self.domain_ids = np.zeros(n_points, dtype=int)
# Set areas or default to 1.0
if areas:
self.area = np.asarray(areas)
self.area = np.ones(n_points)
# Initialize principal vectors and curvatures
self.principal_vectors['p1'] = np.zeros_like(coordinates)
self.principal_vectors['p2'] = np.zeros_like(coordinates)
self.curvature['c1'] = np.zeros(n_points)
self.curvature['c2'] = np.zeros(n_points)
def mean_curvature(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate mean curvature for all points."""
return (self.curvature['c1'] + self.curvature['c2']) / 2
def gaussian_curvature(self) -> np.ndarray:
"""Calculate Gaussian curvature for all points."""
return self.curvature['c1'] * self.curvature['c2']
def get_points_by_domain(self, domain_id: int) -> np.ndarray:
"""Get coordinates of all points in a specific domain."""
mask = self.domain_ids == domain_id
return self.coordinates[mask]
class Inclusion:
"""Manages protein inclusions in the membrane."""
def __init__(self, data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
self.points = []
if data is not None:
def _process_data(self, data: np.ndarray):
"""Process inclusion data."""
if data is None or len(data) == 0:
if len(data.shape)==1:
data.shape = (4,1)
for i in range(data.shape[1]):
point = {
'id': int(data[0, i]),
'type_id': int(data[1, i]),
'point_id': int(data[2, i]),
'orientation': data[3:6, i]
def count(self) -> int:
"""Number of protein inclusions."""
return len(self.points)
def get_all(self) -> List[dict]:
"""Get all points with protein inclusions."""
return [p for p in self.points]
def get_by_type(self, type_id: int) -> List[dict]:
"""Get all inclusions of a specific type."""
return [p for p in self.points if p['type_id'] == type_id]
def add_protein(self, type_id: int, point_id: int,
orientation: Optional[np.ndarray] = np.array([1, 0, 0])):
Add a protein inclusion.
type_id: Type identifier for the protein
point_id: Point ID where protein should be placed
orientation: Vector specifying protein orientation
if orientation is None:
orientation = np.array([0, 0, 1])
point = {
'id': len(self.points),
'type_id': type_id,
'point_id': point_id,
'orientation': orientation
class Exclusion:
"""Manages lipid exclusions in the membrane."""
def __init__(self, data: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
self.points = []
if data is not None:
def _process_data(self, data: np.ndarray):
"""Process exclusion data."""
if data is None or len(data) == 0:
if len(data.shape)==1:
data.shape = (3,1)
for i in range(data.shape[1]):
point = {
'id': int(data[0,i]),
'point_id': int(data[1,i]),
'radius': float(data[2,i])
def count(self) -> int:
"""Number of exclusion points."""
return len(self.points)
def get_all(self) -> List[int]:
"""Get all excluded points."""
return [p['point_id'] for p in self.points]
def add_pore(self, point_id: int, radius: float = 1.0):
Add a pore in the lipid membrane.
point_id: Point ID where lipids should be excluded
radius: Radius of exclusion zone
point = {
'id': len(self.points),
'point_id': point_id,
'radius': radius
def __init__(self, path: Union[str, Path]):
Initialize point class from a point folder.
path: Path to the point folder
self.path = Path(path)
if not self.path.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Point folder not found: {self.path}")
def _load_data(self):
"""Load all data from the point folder."""
# Try to load outer membrane (required)
outer_data = self._load_membrane_file(self.path / "OuterBM.dat")
if outer_data is None:
raise FileNotFoundError("OuterBM.dat can not be parsed!")
# Set monolayer flag based on presence of InnerBM.dat
inner_data = self._load_membrane_file(self.path / "InnerBM.dat")
self.monolayer = inner_data is None
# Create membrane instances
self.outer = self.Membrane(outer_data)
self.inner = None if self.monolayer else self.Membrane(inner_data)
# Load modifications data
inc_data = self._load_modification_file("IncData.dat")
exc_data = self._load_modification_file("ExcData.dat")
self.inclusions = self.Inclusion(inc_data)
self.exclusions = self.Exclusion(exc_data)
except Exception as e:
logger.error("Failed to load membrane data", exc_info=True)
def _load_membrane_file(self, file_path: Path) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
Load membrane definition file.
Returns None if file doesn't exist.
if not file_path.exists():"Membrane file {} not found")
return None
# Read the first few lines to check for Box information
with open(file_path) as f:
first_lines = [next(f) for _ in range(4)]
# Store box dimensions if this is OuterBM.dat
if "OuterBM" in = self._parse_box_line(first_lines[0])
skiprows = 4
skiprows = 3
return loadtxt_fix(file_path, skiprows).T
except Exception as e:
logger.warning(f"Error loading {}: {e}")
return None
def _parse_box_line(self, line: str) -> tuple:
"""Parse box dimensions from header line."""
parts = line.split()
return np.array([float(x) for x in parts[1:4]])
def _load_modification_file(self, filename: str) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
"""Load modification (inclusion/exclusion) file."""
return loadtxt_fix(self.path / filename, skiprows=2).T
except (ValueError, FileNotFoundError):
return None
def _ensure_path(path: Optional[Union[str, Path]]) -> Optional[Path]:
"""Convert string path to Path object if needed."""
if path is None:
return None
return Path(path) if isinstance(path, str) else path
def save(self, output_path: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None):
Save membrane structure to files.
output_path: Path where to save the point folder. If None, saves to original location.
Backup is only created if saving to the original location.
output_path = self._ensure_path(output_path) if output_path else self.path
# Create backup only if we're overwriting the original folder
if output_path == self.path:
# Create output directory if it doesn't exist
output_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
self._save_modifications(output_path)"Saved point data to: {output_path}")
def _create_backup(self):
Create a backup of the point folder.
If #folder# exists, creates ##folder##, etc.
def get_backup_path(n_hashes: int) -> Path:
"""Generate backup path with specified number of hashes."""
hashes = '#' * n_hashes
return self.path.parent / f"{hashes}{}{hashes}"
# Start with one hash on each side
n_hashes = 1
backup_path = get_backup_path(n_hashes)
# Keep incrementing hashes until we find a non-existing path
while backup_path.exists():
n_hashes += 1
backup_path = get_backup_path(n_hashes)
shutil.copytree(self.path, backup_path)"Created backup at: {backup_path}")
return backup_path
def _save_membranes(self, output_path: Path):
"""Save membrane data to files."""
# Always save outer membrane
if len(self.outer.ids) > 0:
self._save_single_membrane(output_path / "OuterBM.dat", self.outer)
# Save inner membrane only for bilayers
if not self.monolayer and self.inner is not None and len(self.inner.ids) > 0:
self._save_single_membrane(output_path / "InnerBM.dat", self.inner)
def _save_single_membrane(self, output_path: Path, membrane):
"""Helper method to save a single membrane layer."""
data = np.zeros((17, len(membrane.ids)))
data[0] = membrane.ids
data[1] = membrane.domain_ids
data[2] = membrane.area
data[3:6] = membrane.coordinates.T
data[6:9] = membrane.normals.T
data[9:12] = membrane.principal_vectors['p1'].T
data[12:15] = membrane.principal_vectors['p2'].T
data[15] = membrane.curvature['c1']
data[16] = membrane.curvature['c2']
# Create header
headers = []
# Add box dimensions for OuterBM.dat
if "Outer" in
headers.append(f"Box {[0]:.3f} {[1]:.3f} {[2]:.3f}")
f"< Point NoPoints {len(membrane.ids)}>",
"< id domain_id area X Y Z Nx Ny Nz P1x P1y P1z P2x P2y P2z C1 C2 >",
f"< {'Outer' if 'Outer' in else 'Inner'} >"
header = '\n'.join(headers)
fmt = ['%10d', '%4d', '%9.3f'] + ['%9.3f']*3 + ['%7.3f']*11
)"Saved {len(membrane.ids)} points to {}")
def _save_modifications(self, output_path: Path):
"""Save inclusion and exclusion data to files."""
# Save inclusions
if self.inclusions.points:
data = np.zeros((6, len(self.inclusions.points)))
for i, point in enumerate(self.inclusions.points):
data[0:3, i] = [point['id'], point['type_id'], point['point_id']]
data[3:6, i] = point['orientation']
header = f"< Inclusion NoInc {len(self.inclusions.points)} >\n"
header += "< id typeid pointid lx ly lz >"
output_path / "IncData.dat",
fmt=['%12d', '%12d', '%12d', '%8.3f', '%8.3f', '%8.3f']
# Save exclusions
if self.exclusions.points:
data = np.zeros((3, len(self.exclusions.points)))
for i, point in enumerate(self.exclusions.points):
data[0:3, i] = [point['id'], point['point_id'], point['radius']]
header = f"< Exclusion NoExc {len(self.exclusions.points)} >\n"
header += "< id typeid radius >"
output_path / "ExcData.dat",
fmt=['%12d', '%12d', '%12d']
def update_domains(self, domain_ids: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
Update domain assignments for membrane layer(s).
For bilayers, updates both leaflets. For monolayers, updates only the outer leaflet.
domain_ids: New domain assignments as numpy array
if domain_ids is None:
logger.warning("No domain IDs provided for update")
# Update outer membrane (always present)
if len(domain_ids) != len(self.outer.ids):
raise ValueError(
f"Domain IDs length ({len(domain_ids)}) does not match "
f"number of membrane points ({len(self.outer.ids)})"
self.outer.domain_ids = np.asarray(domain_ids, dtype=int)
# Update inner membrane if this is a bilayer
if not self.monolayer and self.inner is not None:
self.inner.domain_ids = np.asarray(domain_ids, dtype=int)
logger.debug("Updated domains for both leaflets")
logger.debug("Updated domains for outer leaflet only")
def create_empty(cls, box, monolayer=False):
Create an empty Point instance.
box: Tuple of (x, y, z) box dimensions
monolayer: If True, only creates outer membrane layer
instance = cls.__new__(cls)
instance.path = None = box
instance.monolayer = monolayer
# Initialize outer membrane (always present)
instance.outer = cls.Membrane.create_empty()
# Initialize inner membrane only for bilayers
instance.inner = None if monolayer else cls.Membrane.create_empty()
# Initialize modifications
instance.inclusions = cls.Inclusion()
instance.exclusions = cls.Exclusion()
return instance
def add_membrane_points(self, coordinates: np.ndarray, normals: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
domain_ids: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, areas: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
bilayer_spacing: float = 4.0):
Add points to membrane layer(s) with proper bilayer spacing.
coordinates: Nx3 array of point coordinates (midplane coordinates)
normals: Nx3 array of normal vectors (optional)
domain_ids: Array of domain IDs (optional)
areas: Array of point areas (optional)
bilayer_spacing: Distance between leaflets in nm (default=4.0, only used for bilayers)
# Generate default normals if not provided (pointing up)
if normals is None:
normals = np.zeros_like(coordinates)
normals[:, 2] = 1.0
# Normalize the normal vectors
normals = normals / np.linalg.norm(normals, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
if self.monolayer:
# For monolayer, use coordinates directly for outer membrane
self.outer.add_points(coordinates, normals, domain_ids, areas)
# For bilayer, offset both leaflets from the midplane
half_spacing = bilayer_spacing / 2
# Add outer leaflet
outer_coordinates = coordinates + normals * half_spacing
self.outer.add_points(outer_coordinates, normals, domain_ids, areas)
# Add inner leaflet
inner_coordinates = coordinates - normals * half_spacing
self.inner.add_points(inner_coordinates, -normals, domain_ids, areas)
def add_lipids(self, coordinates: np.ndarray, normals: np.ndarray,
domain_ids: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, areas: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
bilayer_spacing: float = 4.0):
convenience method to add lipids to the membrane.
adds points to both leaflets offset by bilayer_spacing along the normal vectors.
coordinates: nx3 array of midplane lipid positions
domain_ids: array of domain ids (optional)
layer: which layer to add lipids to ("both", "inner", or "outer")
bilayer_spacing: distance between inner and outer leaflets in nm (default=4.0)